Gospel For Asia - planting churches among the most unreached
GFA Mission
GFA's vision is to train and send 100,000 native missionaries into the most unreached areas of Asia. By God's grace over 14,000 native missionaries are now serving and planting over 10 churches every day. You can help sponsor an Asian brother or sister for $30 per month--100% goes directly to the field!
Focusing on the Unreached
Our focus and goal as a ministry is to reach the 2.7 billion people in the 10/40 Window who have never heard about the love of God. In India alone, there are over 500,000 villages with no Gospel witness.
Training and Sending Native Missionaries
Native missionaries have few or no cultural barriers to overcome. They can readily share the Gospel with those who, unlike their western counterparts, have never heard. While national workers do face difficult obstacles as they take the message from village to village, they still have an enormous advantage over their coworkers from North America and other non-Asian lands.
GFA currently has 133 Bible schools where nearly 7,000 students are preparing to become full-time church planters among those who have never heard.
Tremendous Results by God's Grace
Currently, more than 21,000 churches and mission stations have been planted by Gospel for Asia native missionaries where no church existed before. On average, our missionaries establish 12 fellowships every day in Asia among unreached villages and people groups.
But none of this has come easily. Our native missionaries are paying a high price of suffering, hardship and intense persecution to see churches established.
The churches planted in each culture are truly indigenous in character, self-governing, self-propagating and, as soon as possible, self-supporting.
Training Tomorrow's Leaders at the GFA Biblical Seminary
Over 600 students now attend Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary in India, where they are being trained to become devout followers of Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission in Asia.
Major Projects
Gospel for Asia is reaching the most unreached with a focus on planting churches among those who have never heard the Gospel. Below is a list of major projects with more details to help you better understand our ministry.
GFA Bible Society
Our vision is to bring the light of the Gospel to the most unreached people in the 10/40 Window and provide a copy of God’s Word to every family.
Church Buildings
Through God's grace and the efforts of native missionaries, new congregations are springing up across Asia. The need for church buildings is great. A building not only provides shelter but also makes believers less vulnerable to anti-Christians. A church in India can be built for as little as $10,000.
Dalit Awakening
India's 300 million Dalits or "untouchables" are on the brink of leaving the Hindu-based caste system for a new faith.
Native Missionaries
Over 14,000 GFA native missionaries are now reaching the 500,000 unreached villages of Asia.
Bible Colleges
Gospel for Asia currently has over 8,000 students training in over 54 Bible colleges.
Radio Ministry
Reaching millions, GFA Radio has become an important method of reaching the lost.
Film Ministry
Man of Mercy, an Indian-made film on the life of Jesus, has proven to be one of the most effective tools to communicate the Gospel with millions of illiterate and unreached people on the Indian subcontinent.
Tools for Missionaries
Tracts, Bibles and more! GFA missionaries use many tools to help them deliver the message of Jesus' love.
Literature Ministry
GFA printing presses print millions of tracts and other pieces of literature in many languages.
Slum Ministry
Millions lead desperate lives in the slums of Asia. Learn more about GFA's successful outreach to slums.
Muslim Ministry
Over 200 million Muslims live in Asia. GFA is training and sending out native missionaries to reach them.
GFA's vision is to train and send 100,000 native missionaries into the most unreached areas of Asia. By God's grace over 14,000 native missionaries are now serving and planting over 10 churches every day. You can help sponsor an Asian brother or sister for $30 per month--100% goes directly to the field!
Focusing on the Unreached
Our focus and goal as a ministry is to reach the 2.7 billion people in the 10/40 Window who have never heard about the love of God. In India alone, there are over 500,000 villages with no Gospel witness.
Training and Sending Native Missionaries
Native missionaries have few or no cultural barriers to overcome. They can readily share the Gospel with those who, unlike their western counterparts, have never heard. While national workers do face difficult obstacles as they take the message from village to village, they still have an enormous advantage over their coworkers from North America and other non-Asian lands.
GFA currently has 133 Bible schools where nearly 7,000 students are preparing to become full-time church planters among those who have never heard.
Tremendous Results by God's Grace
Currently, more than 21,000 churches and mission stations have been planted by Gospel for Asia native missionaries where no church existed before. On average, our missionaries establish 12 fellowships every day in Asia among unreached villages and people groups.
But none of this has come easily. Our native missionaries are paying a high price of suffering, hardship and intense persecution to see churches established.
The churches planted in each culture are truly indigenous in character, self-governing, self-propagating and, as soon as possible, self-supporting.
Training Tomorrow's Leaders at the GFA Biblical Seminary
Over 600 students now attend Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary in India, where they are being trained to become devout followers of Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission in Asia.
Major Projects
Gospel for Asia is reaching the most unreached with a focus on planting churches among those who have never heard the Gospel. Below is a list of major projects with more details to help you better understand our ministry.
GFA Bible Society
Our vision is to bring the light of the Gospel to the most unreached people in the 10/40 Window and provide a copy of God’s Word to every family.
Church Buildings
Through God's grace and the efforts of native missionaries, new congregations are springing up across Asia. The need for church buildings is great. A building not only provides shelter but also makes believers less vulnerable to anti-Christians. A church in India can be built for as little as $10,000.
Dalit Awakening
India's 300 million Dalits or "untouchables" are on the brink of leaving the Hindu-based caste system for a new faith.
Native Missionaries
Over 14,000 GFA native missionaries are now reaching the 500,000 unreached villages of Asia.
Bible Colleges
Gospel for Asia currently has over 8,000 students training in over 54 Bible colleges.
Radio Ministry
Reaching millions, GFA Radio has become an important method of reaching the lost.
Film Ministry
Man of Mercy, an Indian-made film on the life of Jesus, has proven to be one of the most effective tools to communicate the Gospel with millions of illiterate and unreached people on the Indian subcontinent.
Tools for Missionaries
Tracts, Bibles and more! GFA missionaries use many tools to help them deliver the message of Jesus' love.
Literature Ministry
GFA printing presses print millions of tracts and other pieces of literature in many languages.
Slum Ministry
Millions lead desperate lives in the slums of Asia. Learn more about GFA's successful outreach to slums.
Muslim Ministry
Over 200 million Muslims live in Asia. GFA is training and sending out native missionaries to reach them.
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