The Conversion Agenda

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Christian Missionary Revels In Conversion Opportunity

KERALA, INDIA, January 18, 2005: Our thanks to HPI reader Niraj Thakar for letting us know about the video report at "source." It is described as, "Amazing Report from K. P. Yohannan in India. K.P reports from India that Tsunami survivors who lost everything are finding hope in God's Good News of Jesus Christ." Yohannan explains how his missionary organization is preaching Christianity to the survivors as they are given help, and reports enthusiastically on one conversion of one distraught women by his missionaries.


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