The Conversion Agenda

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Fiji Hindus Object to Recent Violence

NASINU, FIJI, March 29, 2005: Member of Parliament Pratap Chand yesterday warned the tolerance of the Hindu faithful was being stretched too far and could cause disunity between Fiji's two major races. Mr. Chand was reacting to the break-in at a temple at Narere, Nasinu, last weekend where thieves climbed through a window and ransacked the temple. He said the increase in the number of Hindu temple break-ins around the country showed the lack of respect for other religions in the country. "These on-going attacks on Hindu temple are getting unbearable. What makes it worse is that the recent break-in occurred on Easter and just after the sevens victory celebrations which brought everyone together," he said.

"The Hindus tolerance level has been stretched too far and could break one day if temple break-ins continue to happen. "This could divide the two major races even further," he said. Mr. Chand called on Christian leaders to preach respect in their respective churches so that people would stop attacking Hindu temples. The Methodist Church of Fiji said people breaking into and destroying places of worship were sick.

Southern Baptists Convert President of Zambia


Southern Baptist missionaries and the International Mission Board (IMB) reported on March 23, 2005 that they had successfully converted the President of Zambia, Levy Mwanawasa, to Christianity.

American Baptist missionaries have aggressively attempted to convert the impoverished nation of 10 million to Christianity. Last year alone, 116 Baptist churches were started, bringing the total number of churches to 985 -- plus 124 mission congregations.

Franklin Kilpatrick, missionary in Zambia for 35 years, led the effort to convert the president. "The impact is not just in Zambia; this could have an impact on an international level," said Kilpatrick, who is temporarily on U.S. assignment.

"He could impact a lot of leaders. He is in a position of influence, and people need encouragement."

"I shared with him that we had been praying for him after he came into office, that Zambia would have a leader who had Jesus as his Lord," said Troy Lewis, a Southern Baptist missionary. "And in him coming to Christ and being baptized, God had answered our prayers."

The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis

Gregory S. Paul

Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism
Free Inquiry; 10/1/2003

"You know what happens when atheists take over--remember Nazi Germany?" Many Christians point to Nazism, alongside Stalinism, to illustrate the perils of atheism in power. (1) At the other extreme, some authors paint the Vatican as Hitler's eager ally. Meanwhile, the Nazis are generally portrayed as using terror to bend a modern civilization to their agenda; yet we recognize that Hitler was initially popular. Amid these contradictions, where is the truth?

A growing body of scholarly research, some based on careful analysis of Nazi records, is clarifying this complex history. (2) It reveals a convoluted pattern of religious and moral failure in which atheism and the nonreligious played little role, except as victims of the Nazis and their allies. In contrast, Christianity had the capacity to stop Nazism before it came to power, and to reduce or moderate its practices afterwards, but repeatedly failed to do so because the principal churches were complicit with--indeed, in the pay of--the Nazis.

Most German Christians supported the Reich; many continued to do so in the face of mounting evidence that the dictatorship was depraved and murderously cruel. Elsewhere in Europe the story was often the same. Only with Christianity's forbearance and frequent cooperation could fascistic movements gain majority support in Christian nations. European fascism was the fruit of a Christian culture. Millions of Christians actively supported these notorious regimes. Thousands participated in their atrocities.

What, in God's name, were they thinking?

Before we can consider the Nazis, we need to examine the historical and cultural religious context that would give rise to them.


Early Christian sects promoted loyalty to authoritarian rulers so long they were not intolerably anti-Christian or, worse, atheistic. Christian anti-Semitism sprang from one of the church's first efforts to forge an accommodation with power. Reinterpreting the Gospels to shift blame for the Crucifixion from the Romans to the Jews (the "Christ killer" story) courted favor with Rome, an early example of Christian complicity for political purposes. Added energy came from Christians' anger over most Jews' refusal to convert. (3)

Christian anti-Semitism was only intermittently violent, but when violence occurred it was devastating. The first outright extermination of Jews occurred in 414 C.E. It would have innumerable successors, the worst nearly genocidal in scope. At standard rates of population growth, Diaspora Jewry should now number in the hundreds of millions. That there are only an estimated 13 million Jews in the world (4) is largely the result of Christian violence and forced conversion. (5)

Anti-Semitic practices pioneered by Catholics included the forced wearing of yellow identification, ghettoization, confiscation of Jews' properly, and bans on intermarriage with Christians. European Protestantism bore the fierce impress of Martin Luther, whose 1543 tract On the Jews and Their Lies was a principal inspiration for Mein Kampf. (6) In addition to his anti-Semitism, Luther was also a fervent authoritarian. Against the Robbing and Murdering Peasants, his vituperative commentary on a contemporary rebellion, contributed to the deaths of perhaps 100,000 Christians and helped to lay the groundwork for an increasingly severe Germo-Christian autocracy. (7)

With the Enlightenment, deistic and secular thinkers seeded Western culture with Greco-Roman notions of democracy and free expression. The feudal aristocracies and the churches counterattacked, couching their reactionary defense of privilege in self-consciously biblical language. This controversy would shape centuries of European history. As late as 1870, the Roman Catholic Church reaffirmed a reactionary program at the first Vatican Council. Convened by the ultraconservative Pope Pius IX (reigned 1846-1878), Vatican I stridently condemned modernism, democracy, capitalism, usury, and Marxism. (8) Anti-Semitism was also part of the mix; well into the twentieth century, mainstream Catholic publications set an intolerant tone that later Nazi propaganda would imitate. Anti-Semitism remained conspicuous in mainstream Catholic literature even after Pope Plus XI (reigned 1922-1939) officially condemned it.

Protestantism, too, was largely hostile toward modernism and democracy during this period (with a few exceptions in northern Europe). Because Jews were seen as materialists who promoted and benefited from Enlightenment modernism, most Protestant denominations remained anti-Semitic.

With the nineteenth century came a European movement that viewed Judaism as a racial curse. Attracting both Protestant and Catholic dissidents within Germanic populations, Aryan Christianity differed from traditional Christianity in denying both that Christ was a Jew and that Christianity had grown out of Judaism. (9) Adherents viewed Christ as a divine Aryan warrior who brought the sword to cleanse the earth of Jews. (10) Aryans were held to be the only true humans, specially created by God through Adam and Eve; all other peoples were soulless subhumans, descended from apes or created by Satan with no hope of salvation. (11) Most non-Aryans were considered suitable for subservient roles including slavery, but not the Jews. Spiritless yet clever and devious, Jews were seen as a satanic disease to be quarantined or eliminated.

During the same years neopagan and occult movements gained adherents and incubated their own form of Aryanism. Unlike Aryan Christians, neopagan Aryans acknowledged that Christ was a Jew--and for that reason rejected Christianity. They believed themselves descended from demigods whose divinity had degraded through centuries of interbreeding with lesser races The Norse gods and even the Atlantis myth sometimes decorated Aryan mythology.

Attempting to deny that Nazi anti-Semitism had a Christian component, Christian apologists exaggerate the influence of Aryan neopaganism. Actually, neopaganism never had a large following.

German Aryanism, whether Christian or pagan, became known as "Volkism." Volkism prophesied the emergence of a great God chosen Aryan who would lead the people (Volk) to their grand des tiny through the conquest of Lebensraum (living space). A common motto was "God and Volk." Disregarding obvious theological contradictions, growing numbers of German nationalists managed to work Aryanism into their Protestants of Catholic confessions, much as contemporary adherents of Voudoun or Santeria blend the occult with their Christian beliefs. Darwinian theory sometimes entered Volkism as a belief in the divinely intended survival of the fittest peoples. Democracy had no place, but Nietzschean philosophy had some influence--a point Christian apologists make much of. Yet Nietzsche's influence was modest, as Volkists found his skepticism toward religion unacceptable. (12)

Though traceable to the ancient world, atheism first emerged as a major social movement in the mid-1800s. (13) It would be associated with both pro- and antidemocratic worldviews. Strongly influenced by science, atheists tended to view all humans as descended in common from apes. There was no inherent anti-Semitic tradition. Some atheists accepted then-popular pseudoscientific racist views that the races exhibited varying levels of intellect due to differing genetic heritages. Some went further, embracing various form of eugenics as a means of improving the human condition. But neither of these positions was uniquely or characteristically atheistic. "Scientific" racism is actually better understood as a tool by which Christians could perpetuate their own cultural prejudices--it was no accident that the races deemed inferior by Western Christian societies and "science" were the same!

When we seek precursors of Nazi anti-Semitism and authoritarianism, it is among European Christians, not among the atheists, that we must search.

Following World War I, the religious situation in Europe was complex. Scientific findings about the age of the Earth, Darwin's theory of evolution, and biblical criticism had fueled the first mayor' expansion of nontheism at Christianity's expense among ordinary Europeans. The churches' support for the catastrophic Great War further fueled public disaffection, as did (in Germany) the flight of the Kaiser, in whom both Protestant and Catholic clergy had "vested heavily. (14) But religion was not everywhere in retreat: postwar Germany experienced a Christian spiritual renaissance outside the traditional churches. (15) Religious freedom was unprecedented, but the established churches enjoyed widespread state support and controlled their own education systems. They were far more influential than today.

Roughly two-thirds of Germans were Protestant, almost all of the test Catholic. The pagan minority claimed at most 5 percent. Explicit nontheism was limited to an intellectual elite and to committed socialists. Just 1.5 percent of Germans identified themselves as unbelievers in a 1939 census, which means either that very few Nazis and National Socialist German Worker's Party supporters were atheists, or that atheists feared to identify themselves to the pro-theistic regime.

Most religious Germans detested the impiety secularism, and hedonistic decadence that they associated with such modernist ideas as democracy and free speech. If they feared democracy, they were terrified by Communism, to the point of being willing to accept extreme countermethods.

Thus it was a largely Christian, deeply racist, often antidemocratic, and in many respects dangerously primitive Western culture into which Nazism would arise. It was a theistic powder keg ready to explode.


According to standard biographies, the principal Nazi leaders were all born, baptized, and raised Christian. Most grew up in strict, pious households where tolerance and democratic values were disparaged. Nazi leaders of Catholic background included Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and Joseph Goebbels.

Hitler did well in monastery school. He sang in the choir, found High Mass and other ceremonies intoxicating, and idolized priests. Impressed by their power, he at one time considered entering the priesthood.

Rudolf Hoess, who as commandant at Auschwitz-Birkinau pioneered the use of the Zyklon-B gas that killed hall of all Holocaust victims, had strict Catholic parents. Hermann Goering had mixed Catholic-Protestant parentage, while Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann, Albert Speer, and Adolf Eichmann had Protestant backgrounds. Not one of the top Nazi leaders was raised in a liberal or atheistic family--no doubt, the parents of any of them would have found such views scandalous. Traditionalists would never think to deprive their offspring of the faith-based moral foundations that they would need to grow into ethical adults.

So much for the Nazi leaders' religious backgrounds. Assessing their religious views as adults is more difficult. On ancillary issues such as religion, Party doctrine was a deliberate tangle of contradictions. (16) For Hitler consistency mattered less than having a statement at hand for any situation that might arise. History records many things that Hitler wrote or said about religion, but they too are sometimes contradictory. Many were crafted for a particular audience or moment and have limited value for illuminating Hitler's true opinion; in any case, neither Hitler nor any other key Nazi leader was a trained theologian with carefully thought-out views.

Accuracy of transcription is another concern. Hitler's public speeches were recorded reliably, but were often propagandistic. His private statements seem more likely to reflect his actual views, but their reliability varies widely. (17) The passages Christian apologists cite most often to prove Hitler's atheism are of questionable accuracy Apologists often brandish them without noting historians' reservations. Hitler's personal library has been partly preserved, and a good deal is known about his reading habits, another possible window onto Hiller's beliefs. (18) Also important, and o[ten ignored by apologists, are statements made by religious figures of the time, who generally--at least for public consumption--viewed Hitler as a Christian and a Catholic in good standing. Meanwhile, the silent testimony of photographs is irrefutable, much as apologists struggle to evade this damning visual evidence.

Despite these difficulties, enough is known to build a reasonable picture of what Hitler and other top Nazis believed.

Hitler was a Christian, but his Christ was no Jew. In his youth he dabbled with occult thinking but never became a devotee. As a young man he grew increasingly bohemian and stopped attending church. Initially no more anti-Semitic than the norm, in the years before the Great War he fell under the anti-Semitic influence of the Volkish Christian Social Party and other Aryan movements. After Germany's stunning defeat and the ruinous terms of peace, Hitler became a full blown Aryanist and anti-Semite. He grew obsessed with racial issues, which he unfailingly embedded in a religious context.

Apologists often suggest that Hitler did not hold a traditional belief in God because he believed that he was God. True, Hitler thought himself God's chosen leader for the Aryan race. But he never claimed to be divine, and never presented himself in that manner to his followers. Members of the Wehrmacht swore this loyalty oath: "I swear by God this holy oath to the Fuhrer of the German Reich and the German people, Adolf Hitler." For Schutzstaffel (S.S.) members it was: "I pledge to you, Adolf Hitler, my obedience unto death, so help me God."

Hitler repeatedly thanked God of Providence for his survival on the western front during the Great War, his sale escape from multiple assassination attempts, his seemingly miraculous rise from homelessness to influence and power, and his amazing international successes. He never tired of proclaiming that all of this was beyond the power of any mere mortal. Later in the war, Hitler portrayed German defeats us part of an epic test: God would reward his true chosen people with the final victory they deserved so long as they never gave up the struggle.

Reich iconography, too, reveals that Nazism never cut its ties to Christianity. The markings of Luftwaffe aircraft comprised just two swastikas--and six crosses. Likewise the Kreigsmarine (German Navy) flag combined the symbols. Hitler participated in public prayers and religious services at which the swastika and the cross were displayed together.

Hitler openly admired Martin Luther, whom he considered a brilliant reformer. (19) Yet he said in several private conversations that he considered himself a Catholic. He said publicly on several occasions that Christ was his savior. As late us 1944, planning the last-ditch offensive the world would know us the Battle of the Bulge, he code. named it "Operation Christrose."

Among his Nazi cronies Hitler criticized the established churches, harshly and often. Some of these alleged statements must be treated with skepticism, (20) but clearly he viewed the traditional Christian faiths us weak and contaminated by Judaism. Still, there in no war rant for the claim that he became anti-Christian of antireligious after coming to power. No reliably attributed quote reveals Hitler to be an atheist or in any way sympathetic to atheism. On the contrary, he often condemned atheism, us he did Christians who collaborated with such atheistic forces as Bolshevism. He consistently denied that the state could replace faith and instructed Speer to include churches in his beloved plans for a rebuilt Berlin. The Nazi-era constitution explicitly evoked God. Calculating that his victories over Europe and Bolshevism would make him so popular that people would be willing to abandon their traditional faiths, Hitler entertained plans to replace Protestantism and Catholicism with a reformed Christian church that would include all Aryans while removing foreign (Rome-based) influence. German Protestants had already rejected a more modest effort along these lines, as will be seen below. How Germans as a whole would have received this reform after a Nazi victory is open to question. In any case, Hitler saw himself as Christianity's ultimate reformer, not its dedicated enemy.

Hitler was a complex figure, but based on the available evidence we can conclude our inquiry into his personal religious convictions by describing him us an Aryan Volkist Christian who had deep Catholic roots, strongly influenced by Protestantism, touched by strands of neopaganism and Darwinism, and minimally influenced by the occult. Though Hitler pontificated about God and religion at great length, he considered politics more important than religion us the means to achieve his agenda.

None of the leaders immediately beneath Hitler was a pious traditional Christian. But there is no compelling evidence that any top Nazi was nontheistic. Any so accused denied the charge with vehemence.

Reich-Fuhrer Himmler regularly attended Catholic services until he lurched into an increasingly bizarre Aryanism. He authorized searches for the Holy Grail and other supposedly powerful Christian and Cathar relics. A believer in reincarnation he sent expeditions to Tibet and the American tropics in search of the original Aryans and even Atlantians. He and Heydrich modeled the S.S. after the disciplined and secretive Jesuits; it would not accept atheists as members. (21) Goering, least ideological among top Nazis, sometimes endorsed both Protestant and Catholic traditions. On other occasions he criticized them. Goebbels turned against Catholicism in favor of a reformed Aryan faith; both his and Goering's children were baptized. Bormann was stridently opposed to contemporary. organized Christianity; he was a leader of the Church Struggle, the inconsistently applied Nazi campaign to oppose the influence of established churches. (22)

The Nazis championed traditional family values: their ideology. was conservative, bourgeois, patriarchal, and strongly antifeminist. Discipline and conformity were emphasized, marriage promoted abortion and homosexuality despised. (23)

Traditionalism also dominated Nazi philosophy, such as it was. Though science and technology were lauded, the overall thrust opposed the Enlightenment, modernism, intellectualism, and rationality. It is hard to imagine how a movement with that agenda could have been friendly toward atheism, and the Nazis were not. Volkism was inherently hostile toward atheism: freethinkers clashed frequently with Nazis in the late 1920s and early 1930s. On taking power, Hitler banned freethought organizations and launched an "anti-godless" movement. In a 1933 speech he declared: "We have ... undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out." This forthright hostility was far more straightforward than then Nazis' complex, often contradictory stance toward traditional Christian faith.


As detailed by historian Ian Kershaw, Hitler made no secret of his intent to destroy democracy. Yet he came to power largely legally; in no sense was he a tyrant imposed upon the German people.

The Nazi takeover climaxed a lengthy, ironic rejection of democracy at the hands of a majority of German voters. By the early 1930s ordinate Germans had lost patience with democracy; growing numbers hoped an authoritarian strongman would restore order and prosperity and return Germany to great-power status. Roughly two-thirds of German Christians repeatedly voted for candidates who promised to overthrow democracy Authoritarianism was all bar inevitable; at issue was merely who the new strongman would be.

What made democracy so fragile? Historian Klaus Scholder explains that Germany lacked a deep democratic tradition, and would have had difficulty in forming one because German society was so thoroughly divided into opposing Protestant and Catholic blocs This division: created a climate of competition, fear and prejudice between the confessions, which burdened all German domestic and foreign policies with an ideological element of incalculable weight and extent. This climate erected an almost insurmountable barrier to the formation of broad democratic center. And it favored the rise of Hitler, since ultimately both churches courted his favor--each fearing that the other would complete the Reformation or the Counter-Reformation through Hitler. (24)

Carefully plotting his strategy, Hitler purged some of the Volkish Nazi radicals most belligerent toward the traditional Christian churches, in this way he lessened the risk of ecclesiastical opposition. At the same time, he knew that the presence of both Catholics and Protestants among the Nazi leadership would ease churchmen's fears that the Party might engage in sectarianism.

Though it had many Catholic leaders (including Hitler), the Nazi Party relied heavily on Protestant support. Protestants had given the Party its principal backing during the years leading up to 1933 at a level disproportionate to their national majority. (25) Evangelical youth was especially pro-Nazi. It has been estimated that as many us 90 percent of Protestant university theologians supported the Party. Indeed, the participation of so many respected Protestants gave a early, comforting air of legitimacy to the often-thuggish Party. So did the frequent sight of Sturmabteilung (S.A.) units marching in uniform to church.

As German life between the wars grew more desperate, some Protestant pastors explicitly defended Nazi murders of "traitors to the Volk" from the pulpit. Antifascist Protestants found themselves marginalized. The once-unlikely topic of Volkist-Protestant compatibility became the leading theological subject of the day. (26) This is less surprising when we consider that Volkism and German Protestantism were both strongly nationalistic; Lutheranism in particular had German roots.

This mirage of harmony enticed Hitler into a naive attempt to unite the German Protestant churches into a single Volkish body under Nazi control. Launched shortly after the Nazis came to power, this project failed immediately. The evangelical sects proved as unwilling as ever to get along with one another, though much of their clergy eventually Nazified.


Ironically--but, as we shall see, for obvious reasons--Chancellor Hitler had greater initial success reaching accommodation with Roman Catholic leaders than with the Protestants. The irony lay in the fact that the Catholic Zentrum (Center) Party had been principally responsible for denying majorities to the Nazis in early elections. Although Teutonic in outlook, German Catholics had close emotional ties to Rome. As a group they were somewhat less nationalistic than most Protestants. Catholics were correspondingly more likely than Protestants to view Hitler (incorrectly) as godless, or as a neo-heathen anti-Christian. Catholic clergy consistently denounced Nazism, though they often undercut themselves by preaching traditional anti-Semitism at the same time.

Even so, and despite Catholicism's minority status, it would be German Catholics and the Roman Catholic Church that whose actions would at last put total power within the Nazis' reach.

Though it was not without antimodernists, the Catholic Zentrum party had antagonized the Vatican during the 1920s by forming governing coalitions with the secularized, moderate Left-oriented Social Democrats. This changed in 1928, when the priest Ludwig Kaas became the first cleric to head the party. To the dismay of some Catholics, Kaas and other Catholic politicians participated both actively and passively in destroying democratic rule, and in particular the Zentrum.

The devoutly Catholic chancellor Franz von Papen, not a fascist but stoutly right-wing, engineered the key electoral victory that brought Hitler to power. Disastrously Papen dissolved the Reichstag in 1932, then formed a Zentrum-Nazi coalition in violation of all previous principles. It was Papen who in 1933 made Hitler chancellor, Papen stepping down to the rice chancellorship.

The common claim that Papen acted in the hope that the Nazis could be controlled and ultimately discredited may be true, partly true, of false; but without Papen's reckless aid, Hitler would not have become Germany's leader.

The church congratulated Hitler on his assumption of power. German bishops released a statement that wiped out past criticism of Nazism by proclaiming the new regime acceptable, then followed doctrine by ordering the laity to be loyal to this regime just as they had commanded loyalty to previous regimes. Since Catholics had been instrumental in bringing Hitler to power and served in his cabinet, the bishops had little choice but to collaborate.

German Catholics were stunned by the magnitude and suddenness of this realignment. The rigidly conformist church had flipped from ordering its flock to oppose the Nazis to commanding cooperation. A minority among German Catholics was appalled and disheartened. But most "received the statement with relief--indeed with rejoicing--because it finally also cleared the way into the Third Reich for Catholic Christians" alongside millions of Protestants, who joined in exulting that the dream of a Nazi Catholic-Protestant nationalist alliance had been achieved. (27) The Catholic vote for the Nazis increased in the last multi-party elections after Hitler assumed control, doubling in some areas, inspiring a mass Catholic exodus from the Zentrum to the fascists. After the Reichstag fire, the Zentrum voted en masse to support the infamous Enabling Act, which would give the Hitler-Papen cabinet executive and legislative authority independent of the German Parliament. Zentrum's bloc vote cemented the two-thirds majority needed to pass the Act.

Why did the church direct its party to provide the critical swing vote? It had its agenda, as we shall see below.


Even after the Enabling Act, Hitler's position remained tenuous. The Nazis needed to deepen majority popular support and cement relations with a skeptical German military. Hitler needed to ally all Aryans under the swastika while he undermined and demoralized regime opponents. What would solidify Hitler's position? A foreign policy coup: the Concordat of 1933 between Nazi Germany and the Vatican.

The national and international legitimacy Hitler would gain through this treaty was incalculable. Failure to secure it after intense and openly promoted effort could have been a crushing humiliation. Hitler put exceptional effort into the project. He courted the Holy See, emphasizing his own Christianity simultaneously striving to intimidate the Vatican with demonstrations of his swelling power.

Catholic apologists describe the Concordat of 1933 as a necessary move by a church desperate to protect itself against a violent regime which forced the accord upon it--passing over the contradiction at the heart of this argument. Actually, having failed in repeated attempts to negotiate the ardently desired concordat with a skeptical Weimar democracy, Kaas, Papen, the future Pius XII (who reigned 1939-1958), the sitting Plus XI, and other leading Catholics saw their chance to get what they had been seeking from an agreeable member of the church--that is, Hitler--at an historical moment when he and fascism in general were regarded as a natural ally by many Catholic leaders. (28) Negotiations were initiated by both sides, modeled on the mutually advantageous 1929 concordat between Mussolini and the Vatican.

Now Zentrum's pivotal role in assuring passage of the Enabling Act eau be seen in context, it was part of the tacit Nazi-Vatican deal for a future concordat. (29) The Enabling Act vote hollowed Zentrum, leaving little more than a shell. Thus, a clergy far more interested in church power than democratic politics could take control on both sides of the negotiating table. In a flagrant conflict of interest, the devout Papen helped to represent the German state. Concordat negotiations were largely held in Rome, so that Kaas could leave his vanishing party yet more rudderless. Papen, Kaas, and the future Pius XII worked overtime to finalize a treaty that would, among other things, put an end to the Zentrum. In negotiating away the party he led, Kaas eliminated the last political entity that might have opposed the new Fuhrer. (30) Nor did the Vatican protect Germany's Catholic party. Contrary to the contention of some, evidence indicates that the Vatican was pleased to negotiate away all traces of the Zentrum, for which it had no more use save as a bargaining chip. In this the Holy See treated Zentrum no differently than it had the Italian Catholic party, which it negotiated away in the Concordat with Mussolini.

Hitler sought to eliminate Catholic opposition in favor of obligatory loyalty to his regime. For its part, the church was obsessed with its educational privileges, (31) and especially with securing fresh sources of income. It would willingly sacrifice political power to protect them. As both sides worked in haste to produce a treaty that would normally have required years to complete, Hitler took masterful advantage of Vatican overeagerness. Filled with "certainty that Rome neither could nor would turn back, [Hitler] was now able to steer the negotiations almost as he wanted. The records prove he exploited the situation to the full." (32) Indeed, Hitler was so confident that he had the Church in his lap that he went ahead and promulgated his notorious sterilization decree before the Concordat's final signing. Hitler's project for involuntary sterilization of minorities and the mentally ill was an direct affront to Catholic teaching. But as Hitler surmised, not even this provocation could deflect the Holy See in its rush toward the Concordat. Because ordinary Catholics largely supported the Nazis, the party even felt free to use violence against the remaining politically active Catholics, frequently disrupting their rallies.

Signed on July 20, 1983, the Concordat was a fait accompli, the negotiations having been conducted largely in secret. Most German bishops gave their loyal, though impotent, approval to the pact that would strip away their power. A few bishops objected, criticizing the Nazi regime's lack of morality (but never its lack of democracy).

The Concordat was a classic political kickback scheme. The church supported the new dictatorship by endorsing the end of democracy and free speech, in addition it bound its bishops to Hitler's Reich by means of a loyalty oath. In exchange the church received enormous tax income and protection for church privileges. Religious instruction and prayer in school were reinstated. Criticism of the church was forbidden. Of course, nothing in the Concordat protected the rights of non-Catholics.

If Catholic officials were disappointed with the Concordat's terms, they did not show it, sending messages of congratulation to the dictator. In Rome, a celebratory mass followed the treaty's signing by Papen and the future Plus XII amid great pomp and circumstance. In Germany, the church and the Berlin government held a joint service of thanksgiving that featured a mix of Catholic, Reich, and swastika banners and flags. The musical program mixed hymns with a rousing performance of the repugnant Nazi anthem "Horst Wessel"--which was set, by the way, to the traditional hymn "How Great Thou Art." All of this was projected by loudspeaker to the enthusiastic crowd outside; as most German Catholics welcomed the Concordat, the thanksgiving service drew far more than Berlin's cathedral could hold.

Scholder comments that "anyone who saw things from the Roman perspective could come to the conclusion that ... the treaty was ... an indescribable success for Catholicism. Even a year before, the Holy See had only been able to dream of the concessions which the concordat contained.... On the Catholic side the concordat was accordingly described as 'something very great,' indeed as nothing short of a 'masterpiece.'" (33) Catholic response was so exuberant that Hitler felt it necessary to defend himself to Protestant clerics and Nazi radicals who viewed this sadden amity with Rome as a betrayal.

The practical results of the collaboration were clear enough. Most Catholics "soon adjusted to the dictatorship" (34); indeed they flocked to the Party. Post-Concordat voting patterns suggest that Catholics, on average, even outdid Protestants in supporting the regime, further undermining any efforts by the clergy to challenge Nazi policies. In any case much of the Catholic clergy was Nazifying. Even the idiosyncratic S.S. welcomed Catholics, who would ultimately compose a quarter of its membership.

The Concordat's disastrous consequences cannot be exaggerated. It bound all devout German Catholics to the state--the clergy through an oath and income, the laity through the authority of the church. If at any time the regime chose not to honor the agreement, Catholics had no open legal right to oppose it or its policies. Opponents of Nazism, Catholic and non-Catholic, were further discouraged and marginalized because the church had shown such want of moral fiber and consistency.

Apologists have insisted that the church had no choice but lo accept the Concordat for the modest protections it provided. But those provisions were never needed. Major Protestant denominations suffered no more than Catholicism, though the Protestant churches lacked protective agreements and had snubbed Hitler's early attempt to unite them. Apologists make much of Vatican "resistance" to Nazism, but the net effect of Vatican policy toward Hitler was collaborative.

Indeed, the 1933 Concordat stands as one of the most unethical, corrupt, duplicitous, and dangerous agreements ever forged between two authoritarian powers. Perhaps the Catholic strategy was to outlast the Nazi's frankly popular tyranny rather than try to bring it down. But the Catholic Church made no attempt to revoke the Concordat and its loyalty clause during the Nazi regime. Indeed, the 1933 Concordat is the only diplomatic accord negotiated with the Nazi regime that remains in force anywhere in the world.

Germany's Protestant sects were too decentralized to be coopted by a single document. To this extent Protestants who disputed Nazi policies could be said to enjoy a more favorable position than Catholics. But apposition was rare among Protestants too. Hitler cynically courted the major denominations even as they cynically courted him. Most smaller traditional Christian sects did little better. For example, Germany's Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists bent over backwards to accommodate National Socialism. (35)


Catholics and Protestants at first embraced the new German order. Germany was regaining international prestige, the economy improving thanks to growing overseas support. (36) industrialists like Henry Ford invested heavily in the new Reich. German Christians also looked to the Nazis for a revival of "Christian" values to help counter the rise of nontheism. Most welcomed the Nazis' elimination of chronic public strife by terrorizing, imprisoning, and killing the fast-shrinking German Left. The leftists had long been despised by traditionalists, who composed four fifths of the population. The state purged a far higher proportion of atheists than traditional Christians. In newspapers and newsreels the Nazis proudly publicized their new concentration camps. Reports sanitized the camps' true nature, but no one could mistake that they were part of a new police state--to which most German followers of Jesus raised no objection. The very high rate of "legal" executions reported in the press also met with mass indifference or positive approval.

Far from being hapless victims, the great bulk of German Christians joined, eagerly supported, collaborated with, or accommodated to a greater or lesser degree, the new tyranny.


Apologists for Christian conduct during the Nazi era imagine that the regime suppressed dissent ruthlessly no matter whom--or how many it needed to slaughter to achieve its ends. Hitler's regime is portrayed us Stalinesque in its response to dissent. This simplistic view reveals a failure to understand the complicated actuality of a popular terror state. The keyword is popular: Hitler was Europe's most popular leader, and his goal was universal Aryan support. The Party obsessively tracked public opinion, something never seen in the USSR. (37) Before the war. foreign tourism was encouraged; Hitler knew most Germans would speak well of the Reich to visitors, in sharp contrast to the USSR, whose leaders prudently feared interaction between foreigners and a citizenry of dubious loyalty. During most of the Reich, any unprovoked attempt to liberate Germany would have met fierce majority resistance.

Though there were assassination attempts, the top Nazis had little to fear from ordinary Germans. (38) Hitler's personal security was shockingly lax; Goering regularly drove his open convertible around Berlin.

If the apologists were right, we should expect the Gestapo to have been a massive organization, relentlessly searching out and crushing widespread dissent. Analysis of surviving Gestapo records reveals that in fact it was surprisingly small. (39) Germany's Christian population being largely satisfied, there was little resistance to suppress. Most cases the Gestapo handled were initiated by ordinary citizens looking to settle petty disputes and had no ideological content.

The Fuhrer had been successful in buying off his Aryans with false egalitarian prosperity, stolen Jewish wealth, and his refusal to put Deutschland on a full war footing until well into the war. During the early war years civilians were under much tighter control in submarine-blockaded England than in Germany. Since nearly all Aryans were Protestant and Catholic, Hitler had to keep both sects reasonably happy, and he did. After all, the main focus of Nationalist Socialism was to make the divinely favored Aryan Volk, both Protestant and Catholic, thrive in order to transform the German population into a unified machine of domination over the lesser peoples. Contrary to Catholic apologists, the nominally Catholic Hitler had not the slightest desire to slaughter masses of the very Aryan people to whom he belonged, and whom he wanted to elevate to supreme power. Leaving aside the fact that doing so would have been ideological and racial suicide, the record makes clear that Hitler's intention was to reform and standardize Aryans' political, social, and ultimately their religious beliefs, not to purge them or to kill off groups of Aryans. Doing that would have grossly violated Nazi doctrine, undermined the myth of Aryan solidarity, grievously weakened the state, and risked religious civil war. Disloyalty of the Catholic third of the population would have been disastrous to a modest-sized nation trying to expand its resources in preparation for epic wars of conquest; it was this fact, not the Concordat, that would be the main constraint on Nazi actions. For that reason, apologist claims that thousands or millions of Catholics and Protestants would have joined the Jews had they protested Nazis policies are false. The proof is found in the historical record.


Far from exercising absolute power at home, Hitler often discontinued, modified, or concealed initiatives that threatened his regime's precious popular approval. Stout public objection could and repeatedly did alter Nazi behavior. Flummoxed when the Protestant churches refused to unite, Hitler deferred his grand effort to reform German Christianity to a dreamlike utopian future. Later attempts by Nazi authorities to hamper church activities were often frustrated by sizeable demonstrations. (40) When Party elements stripped Bavarian schools of their crucifixes without Hitler's approval, vigorous protests by, among others, the mothers of schoolchildren quickly brought about their replacement. (41) When Hitler denounced Protestant opposition bishops Hans Meiser and Theophil Wurm and ordered their ouster, public anger boiled over. One protest drew 7,000 demonstrators. Hitler reversed course and reinstated Meiser and Wurm with fulsome praise. Strong opposition to the mass killing of the mentally disabled circa 1941. drove it further underground, saving many lives, even though this program too enjoyed the Fuhrer's approval.

This is not to say that protesters courted no danger. Opposition figures were frequently harassed, sometimes killed. But the top Nazis knew how limited their power was. When regime officials contemplated forcing the removal of Muenster's Catholic bishop, Clemens Galen, Goebbeis warned that the "the population c Muenster could be regarded as lost during the war if anything were done against the bishop ... [indeed] the whole of [the state] of Westphalia." (42) Though Galen suffered harassment, he remained active throughout the war and held his office.

In occupied countries from Norway to Italy, residents successfully opposed Nazi racial policies and saved hundreds of thousands of Jews. In Denmark, political and ecclesiastical leaders forcefully protested Nazi policies; the whole nation worked under the noses of the Gestapo to save almost all of Denmark's Jews. Neither leaders or citizens suffered severe retaliation. French bishops who oppose Nazi actions against Jews likewise survived the war.

Most extraordinary and telling is the Rosenstrasse incident. (43) Some 30,000 Jews lived openly hi Germany as the spouses of Christians. Nine in ten such marriages remained intact despite ceaseless harassment. Oriented toward family values as they were, the Nazis could not decide haw to handle these Jews without violating the sanctity of marriage. Early in 1943, Goebbels, then in charge of Berlin, decided it was time to cleanse the capital by rounding up these last Jews. Hitler agreed. Some 2,000 Jewish men from mixed marriages were seized and taken to a large downtown building on the Rosenstrasse, from which they would be deported to the camps.

For a week their Gentile wives stood in the winter cold, chanting "We want our husbands back!" Ordinary Germans sometimes joined them. AH told, the protests involved about 6,000 people. They continued in the face of S.S. and Gestapo threats, even threats to use machine guns. They continued though British bombers pounded the city by night. But the Nazis dared not tire upon these defenseless, unorganized Aryan women. Berliners saw the protests directly. Foreign diplomats spread word of it to the world press. The British Broadcasting Company broadcast the story back into Germany.

What was the outcome of Nazi Germany's only mass demonstration to save Jews? The 2,000 Jewish husbands were released with Hitler's approval. Two dozen who had already been sent to Auschwitz were returned, Jewish-Christian couples continued to live openly and survived the war. They would comprise the great majority of German Jewish survivors.

Goebbels later commented to an associate that the regime relented "in order to eliminate the protest from the world, so that others didn't begin to do the same." Sadly, this strategy was successful: during the test of the war, no similar action would ever be taken in defense of Jews in general.

Nor does this exhaust the catalogue el successful opposition. When Goebbels called for mass employment of housewives in war industries, also early in 1943, refusal was widespread. Again, reprisals were rare, partly because of the regime's established emphasis on traditional roles for women. On a broader scale, Germans who refused to participate in atrocities--even if they were soldiers, party, members, of S.S. men--almost never suffered retaliation. This was so well known that, after the war, Nazis accused of war crimes were forbidden to claim fear of retaliation as a defense.

These incidents suggest that the Nazi regime was at root cowardly, happy to pick on the weak and disorganized bar intimidated by public demonstrations. When it came to the Volk, Nazi leaders preferred propaganda, education, persuasion, and social pressure to terror. They knew that terror worked best when its objective was supported by many and opposed by few. Only toward the end of the war was widespread domestic terror resorted to in Germany, and it was often ineffective.

Clearly ordinary citizens could oppose and alter state policy, all the more so if powerful nongovernmental institutions supported them. (44) As Sarah Gordon comments, the "failure of German churches to speak out against racial persecution is a disgrace ... because the Nazis feared the propaganda or political power of the churches, it is almost certain that church leaders could have spoken out more vehemently against racial persecution." (45)

The apologist claim that Germany's traditional Christians were impotent in the face of Nazi terror is ah exaggeration on a scale that Goebbels might have appreciated. As the wives of Berlin discovered, Christians had the power to protect the lives and well-being of others and the potential to confound Hitler and his minions. Had the wished to, they need only have applied it.

"Thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them, thou shalt make no covenant with them. nor show mercy unto them. And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them.... For they will turn away thy son from following me ... so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly ... the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that ore on the face of the earth."

--Deuteronomy 7:3-6, God's orders to the Israelites on how to conquer and cleanse all of Canaan

"But since I learned that these miserable and accursed people to lure themselves even to us.... I have published this little book.... Our Lord calls them a "brood of vipers." ... Therefore the blind Jews are truly stupid fools ... wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously ... they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury ... Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts? ... We must avoid confirming them in their wanton lying, slandering, cursing and defaming. Nor dare we make ourselves partners in their devilish ranting and raving by shielding and protecting them, by giving them food, drink and shelter, or by other neighborly acts ... gentle mercy will only tend to make them worse and worse, while sharp mercy will reform them but little. Therefore, in any case, away with them! ... their synagogues must be burned down ... their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible--be taken from them ... they be forbidden ... to pray, to teach publicly.... They must be driven from our country.... May Christ, our dear Lord, convert them mercifully and preserve us steadfastly and immovably in the knowledge of him, which is eternal life. Amen.

--a sample from Luther's On The Jews and Their Lies

From La Civita Cattoloica (primary Vatican publication):

"[The Jewish nation] does not, but traffics in the property and the work of others, it does not produce, but lives and grows fat with the products of the arts and industry of the nations that give it refuge. It is the giant octopus that with its oversized tentacles envelops everything. It has its stomach in the banks ... and its suction cups everywhere: in contacts and monopolies, in the credit unions and banks, in shipping and in represents the kingdom of capital ... the aristocracy of gold.... It reigns unopposed." (1893)

"The world is sick.... Everywhere peoples are in the grip of inexplicable convulsions. Who is responsible? The Synagogue." (1922)

"... an obvious fact that the Jews are a disruptive element because of their dominating spirit and their revolutionary tendency. Judaism is ... a foreign body that irritates and provokes the reactions of the organism it has contaminated." (1937)

"While the regime is determined to carry through the political and moral purging of our public life, it is creating and ensuring the prerequisites for a really deep inner religiosity. Benefits of a personal nature, which might arise from a compromise with atheistic organizations, could outweigh the results which become apparent through the destruction of general religious-ethical values. The national regime seeks in both Christian confessions the factors most important for the maintenance of our Volkism. The struggle against a materialistic philosophy and for the creation of a true folk community serves the interests of the German nation as well as our Christian belief."

--Hitler, in his first speech to the Reichstag

"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

--Statement by Hitler to General Gerhart Engel in 1941

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party."

--Hitler, 1933

"I may not be a light of the church, a pulpiteer, but deep down I am a pious man, and believe that whoever fights bravely in defense of the natural laws framed by God and never capitulates will never be deserted by the lawgiver, but will, in the end, receive the blessings of Providence."

--Hitler, in a 1944 speech

"Fuhrer, my Fuhrer, bequeathed to me by the Lord."

--Prelunch invocation of German school children

"The Third Reich is the first world power which not only acknowledges but also puts into practice the high principles of the papacy."

--From Papen, who made Hitler chancellor and helped negotiate the Concordat of 1933

"It is to be hoped and desired that, like the Zentrum, and the Bavarian People's Party, so too the other parties which stand on Christian principles and which now also include the National Socialist Party, now the strongest party in the Reichstag, will use every means to hold off the cultural Bolshevising of Germany, which is on the march behind the Communist Party."

--Views of the future Pius XII to Cardinal Ritter altar the 1932 elections

"His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and enhance the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich ... have agreed to the following articles."

--Opening of the 1933 concordat between the Holy See and Hitler's Reich

"God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that (Hitler) was sent by God to save Germany."


To be continued in the December 2003/January 2004 issue of FREE INQUIRY. The complete compilation of excerpts from material linking Christianity and Nazism (featured in boxed quotations here) is available on the Web at Tim Binga, director of the Center for Inquiry Libraries, contributed additional research in the preparation of this article.


(1.) Nazism and fascism are considered secular, atheistic, or both, in, among other sources, David Barrett. George Kurian, and Todd Johnson. eds., World Christian Encyclopedia: A Comparative Study of Churches and Religions in the Modern World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)

(2.) Seminal studies by mainstream, nonpolemical researchers include Robert Gellately. Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001); Ian Kershaw Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris (New York: W W Norton. 1998) and Hitler: 1936-1945: Nemesis (London: Allen Lane, 2000): Klaus Scholder. The Churches and the Third Reich vols. 1 and 2 (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979 [English version 1988]); Nathan Stoltzfus. Resistance of the Heart: The Rosenstrasse Protest and Intermarriage in Nazi Germany (New York: W.W. Norton. 1997); Beth Griech-Polelle. Bishop von Galen: German Catholicism and National Socialism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002); and Sarah Gordon. Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question" (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984) Also see ,John Patrick Michael Murphy, "Hitler Was Not an Atheist," FREE INQUIRY 19, no. 2 [Spring 1999).

(3.) See James Carroll, Constantine's Sword: The Church a td the Jews (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2001) and David Kertzer. The Pope Against the Jews: The Vatican'.s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2001).


(5.) Viewed in the context of more than 1,500 years of Christian violence against Jews, the enormity of the Holocaust may as much reflect the large populations and relatively advanced technologies of the time as it does the virulence of Nazi anti-Semitism. Other Christian groups might have done the same thing earlier, had the technical means and a large enough poor of potential victims been available.

(6.) Nowadays Islamic anti-Semites reprint Luther's work.

(7.) Prior to World War I, many religious Germans viewed dying for the Fatherland as being on a par with Christian martyrdom; reluctance to die in battle was considered blasphemous.

(8.) After Vatican I, the Roman Catholic clergy was required to take an oath against modernity.

(9.) Aryan Christianity continues to exist, contemporary U.S. examples include Christian Identity, Aryan Nation, and other extremist racist sects.

(10.) In Aryan Christian doctrine, Christ was non-Semitic because he did not have a Jewish father. His assault on the Temple was taken as evidence of his anti-Semitism. Christianity's false association with Judaism was blamed on St. Paul.

(11.) Thus the extremist Christian term mud people. Jews' lack of a soul was held to explain their supposed lack of interest in spirituality and the afterlife and their focus on material gain.

(12.) For example, the Catholic Volkist Dietrich Eckart, later a friend and mentor to Hitler, wrote in 1917 that "to be an Aryan and to sense transcendence is one and the same thing," yet described Nietzsche as the "crazy despiser of oar religious foundations."

(13.) Gregory Paul, "The Secular Revolution of the West: It's Passed America By--So Far," FREE INQUIRY 22, no. 3 (Summer 2002).

(14.) Ibid.

(15.) See Scholder vol. 1., p.12.

(16.) Richard Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conception of Christianity 1991-1945 (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2003) is the first attempt to detail the religious beliefs of the Nazis.

(17.) Christian defenders frequently cite Table Talk, which presents some of Hitler's most vehement anti-Christian statements. But mainstream historians find Table Talk unreliable, It consists of private conversation recorded in the 1940s by two secretaries, one of whom later said that "no confidence" should be placed in the final volume because the compiler--Bormann, even by Nazi standards a deceptive opportunist and much more anti-Christian than Hitler--destroyed the original transcripts. Still, even as presented in Table Talk, Hitler usually attacks Judeo-Christianity, not Christ. Hitler lauds Christ as a divine Aryan.

(18.) Timothy Ryback, "Hitler's Forgotten Library." Atlantic Monthly 29. no. 4 (May 2003), expresses naive surprise at how interested Hitler was in reading about religion. Oddly, Ryback's conclusion that Hitler saw himself as God. is contrary to the quote Ryback cites in support of his hypothesis.

(19.) The regime put an original edition of One the Jews and Their Lies on display and celebrated Luther's 450th birthday in 1933 on massive scale.

(20.) Ser Steigman-Gall.

(21.) Neopaganism was far more prevalent in the S.S. than in German society as a whole: even according to Party statistics, paganism never claimed more than 5 percent of the general population.

(22.) Ser Steigman-Gall.

(23.) Contrary to common belief, the Nazis never operated state sex-for-procreation facilities. On the other hand Nazi "culture" was not exceptionally prudish: home movies of the era show young women lying topless on the beach, and kitsch nudity was common in Nazi art.

(24.) Scholder vol. 1, p. 130.

(25.) Sec Scholder vols. 1 and 2. Kershaw pp. 488-90 and 324 and Gellately p. 14. whose Backing Hitler is a precedent-setting historical examination based in part on examination of surviving Gestapo records. Religion was not a primary focus of the study, but what Gellately includes on this topic is damning. See also Gordon. who gives a balanced account of church collaboration and resistance.

(26.) Sec Scholder vol. 1, pp. 37-51 and 74-87.

(27.) Ibid., p. 253.

(28.) Ronald Rychlak, "Goldhagen v. Pius XII." First Things, June/July 2002, pp. 37-54. offers a typically convoluted example of pro-Vatican spin when he assets that the concordat "was a Nazi proposition. The Nazis accepted terms that the Church had previously proposed to Weimar, but which Weimar had rejected."

(29.) Ser Scholder vol. 1, p. 241.

(30.) Ibid., pp. 241-43.

(31.) A concordat already negotiated with Bavaria gave the church control of the schools.

(32.) Scholder vol. 1. p. 386.

(33.) Ibid, p. 405.

(34.) Gellately, p. 14.

(35.) See Christine Elizabeth King, The Nazi State and the New Religions. (New York: Edwin Mellen Press 1982).

(36.) Hitler and his fellow thugs had no idea how to run a modern economy. The Nazi economic "miracle" was a Potemkin-village scheme kept going, prior to the takeovers of other nations, by selling off Germany gold reserves and taking out international loans that could never be paid back.

(37.) See Gellately.

(38.) Hitler missed by minutes being killed by a bomb a few months after invading Poland. Pope Pius XII sent the Fuhrer his "special personal congratulations."

(39.) Ser Gellately, p. 39.

(40.) See Griech-Polelle, pp. 36-37.

(41.) Nazi politics were as peculiar as its theology. Hitler avoided committing himself on tangential issues to protect his popularity and keep his options open. This, coupled with Hitler's harsh survival-of-the-fittest view of power, fueled chronic, often vicious intraparty battles that contributed to the chaos of the regime. In "working towards the Fuhrer." party functionaries often went beyond what Hiller wanted done, at least in the short term: the Bavarian crucifix debacle is a good example of this tendency.

(42.) Cited in Gellately, Kershsaw, p 429. and Gordon.

(43.) See Stoltzfus, pp. 209-57.

(44.) Hitler fared little better in international affairs: even when he was master of continental Europe, his power had limits His supposed ally Franco politely told the vexed Fuhrer to take a hike when he pressed for Spain to enter the war against the allies. Hitler found himself forced to negotiate with the Vichy French government he had helped to install over the same matter and it too refused to budge.

(45.) Gordon, p. 261.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

US duplicity in denying visa to Modi

April 03, 05

By Sandhya Jain

America’s decision to deny Gujarat chief minister Naren-dra Modi a diplomatic visa and revoke his tourist/business visa on the pretext of the demands of its International Religious Freedom Act, 1998, raises critical questions about what constitutes religious freedom. The statement that the Act authorizes the President to deny entry to foreign government officials responsible for “particularly severe violations of religious freedom,” is an unwarranted indictment of Mr. Modi and calls for scrutiny by analysts.

The concept of religious freedom espoused by America is a Euro-centric definition imposed upon the world after the Second World War, in the form of Article 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Promoted as a universal doctrine, though not founded upon genuine international consensus, this concept has been used by Western nations to advance their own religion and culture and impinge upon the religious freedom of other nations and faith groups.

Arguing this before the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) in March 2000, Prof. Arvind Sharma, Birks Professsor of Comparative Religion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, pointed out that Article 18 is tilted in favour of proselytizing religions. While it recognizes an individual’s right to change his/her religion, it fails to give equal respect to the individual’s right to retain his/her faith. In short, it upholds the right to proselytize, but disregards the individual’s right to resist being made an object of proselytization. The latter view was upheld by the Indian Supreme Court (1 September 2003), which ruled that there was “no fundamental right to convert” anyone from one religion to another and that the government could impose restrictions on conversions.

What is religious freedom?

The invocation of freedom of religion to insult Modi is directly linked to President George Bush’s massive conversion agenda in India, and is his way of expressing anger at the resistance offered by the RSS, to which Modi owes allegiance. Discerning Indians may be aware of a Tehelka expose (7 February 2004), which revealed that the American government funds major US Christian groups to pursue religious conversions in India. Though the funds are officially given for social work only, they are used for the dual purpose of conversion. Not surprisingly, Tehelka linked these conversion activities to forces inimical to India’s integrity.

In my view, government-funded conversion activities violate Western principles of separation of Church and State. They also contravene the doctrine of secularism, as they favour certain Christian denominations over others, in the matter of disbursal of funds under President Bush’s faith-based initiative. A petition in this regard in the Federal Supreme Court by American Indians aggrieved at the presidential action could yield interesting results.

Meanwhile, it would be instructive to examine the ideological colour of those who worked to deny Shri Modi the visa, and the merits (if any) of the charges levelled against him. A group calling itself the Coalition Against Genocide and claiming to represent 35 NRI bodies was at the forefront of the campaign. A perusal of the signatories shows the usual Left and minority intellectuals of Indian descent. The Federation of Indian American Christian Organizations of North America (FIACONA) openly welcomed the US government’s decision, and gave the game away.

While Indian American Senator Bobby Jindal kept a low profile, Ms. Preeta Bansal, chairperson of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), said she advised the State Department to prevent the Gujarat Chief Minister’s visit. Disrespecting the sentiments of the American Indian community that invited Shri Modi, USCIRF glibly claimed that India’s National Human Rights Commission had found evidence of the Gujarat government’s complicity in the riots of 2002.

Government-funded conversion activities violate Western principles of separation of Church and State. They also contravene the doctrine of secularism, as they favour certain Christian denominations over others, in the matter of disbursal of funds under President Bush’s faith-based initiative.

The US State Department also tried to make NHRC a scapegoat when political opinion in this country uniformly condemned the insult to the constitutionally elected leader. Its Deputy Spokesman Adam Ereli claimed that it was the “Indian Government who determined that state institutions failed to act in a way that would prevent violence and would prevent religious persecution.” The NGO lobby was more outspoken. The Indian Supreme Court, it said, had passed strictures against the Gujarat government in the Best Bakery case; ordered re-opening of 2,000-odd riot cases that had been closed after inquiry; and shifted two cases outside Gujarat.

Now this is too clever by half. Both the State Department and its friendly NGOs would know that the NHRC chief, Shri A.S. Anand, was taken for a ride by a well-orchestrated media-NGO campaign of vilification against the Gujarat Chief Minister. As a result, Shri Anand accepted printed pamphlets in lieu of a signed affidavit and approached the Supreme Court to transfer the riot cases outside Gujarat.

The apex court responded to this plea without examining the requisite documents. Thus, when star witness Zahira Sheikh told the trial court that she had never signed any affidavit seeking transfer of the Best Bakery trial outside Gujarat, the NGOs were exposed as having a hidden agenda! The Supreme Court and NHRC were deeply embarrassed, a fact adequately covered in the Indian media. For the American Embassy in Delhi to pretend to be unaware of these developments is untenable. Since judges are bound by a code of conduct, the NHRC has clarified that it made no indictment of any government functionary in the riots, let alone the Chief Minister. Hence Washington’s claim that NHRC recommendations influenced its decision is baseless.

It seems undeniable that the American definition of freedom of religion is slanted in favour of monotheistic traditions. That is why, as Shri Modi pointed out, there was no tinge of remorse when thousands of Kashmiri Pandits were victimized by Pak-sponsored terrorists, or when Bangladesh systematically reduced its Hindu minority from 30 percent of the population to a bare ten percent. For Indians engaged in the struggle to preserve their ancestral faith and culture, there is more to the snub to Shri Modi than meets the eye.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Will the next Pope be an Indian Roman Catholic?

Posted March 29, 2005
By Laxminarayan Sarma,

An Italian Roman Catholic woman becomes de Facto Prime Minister in Hindu India! But can an Indian Roman Catholic ever aspire to be Pope? The chances are bright. Given the fact that Christianity has been used as a tool of territorial expansionism and colonialism, economic domination and cultural imperialism, circumstances are ideal for the western colonial powers to impose an Indian Roman Catholic as Pope. Incidentally, Indian Roman Catholics outnumber Christians of other denominations in India. Moreover, the Roman Catholic church is well entrenched in the country and has a very strong grassroots base. His Holiness the current Pope is a doddering old man desperately clinging to the Papal throne. His illness last week fuelled speculation in the media whether the Roman Catholic Church will have to look for a new Pope.

Since the dawn of the Papacy, a majority of the Popes, barring the present one, were Italian. The present Pope is a Pole. It is rumoured that putting a Pole on the Papal throne was a well planned coup to speed the disintegration of Communism in the Soviet bloc of which Poland was a prominent unit.

A staunch adherent of upholding the Biblical edicts, the present Pope, barring a few exceptions has been the longest serving incumbent. His tenure has been mired in controversies. His strong opposition to contraception, his whining against other Christian religious orders poaching on his flock, his much deplored ambition to plant the church in Asia (read India), his refusal to express regrets against the Roman Catholic church's excesses during the Inquisitions in Goa, his elevating Theresa, the Calcutta head of the Missionaries of Charity to sainthood, have kicked up a lot of dust.

The present Pope's tenure has also been marked by scandal and turmoil in the Roman Catholic Church. Vatican watchers are fully aware of the Bank of Ambrosia scandal, money laundering and the scandalous homosexual proclivities of some members of the clergy. The Church has had to shell out millions of dollars in damages to victims of sexual abuse by its clergy in America and elsewhere. Even today, sexual abuse cases against Roman Catholic priests make the newspaper columns. Faced with dwindling numbers of church-goers and sincere adherents in the western world, Christian denominations around the world are in panic, The plight of the Roman Catholic church is so bad that faced with a dwindling number of young men and women entering priesthood and nunhood, Catholic convents in Europe are staffed with cheap imports of nuns from India, mainly Kerala.

The various denominations are struggling to add to their numbers. They poach upon one another's flock. It is believed that the Roman Catholic Church is the worst hit. In fact the Pope has cried foul on seeing large numbers of his flock being lured away by the Evangelical movement in the US and elsewhere. This resentment of the Roman Catholic church found its echo in Mumbai when the Catholic church issued a fatwa to its flock to keep away from the American evangelist, Benny Hinn's, tamasha in Mumbai last year and the one in Bangalore this year.

Disillusionment and resentment is also brewing among the younger generation of Roman Catholics in India. Better educated and economically better off than their forebears, Roman Catholics, particularly in Mumbai and other metro cities in the country have stated developing a broader outlook. They are no more the superstitious, narrow minded, pro-western adherents like their parents. They are in step with the broad, secular outlook of the times. Thus it would be fair to say that the strategists in Archbishop's House in the Vatican and in other Christian denominations are really worried.

It is against this background that one wonders whether the next Pope will be an Indian Catholic!

Though Christianity originated in the East, it has been projected as a European faith. Jesus Christ is depicted as a white man. The Roman Catholic rites and rituals, communications, thinking, ethos, traditions and approach have been more or less European. Prayers, barring a few exceptions, have been in English. An example of this is the putting up of "snow-"covered Christmas trees and the slaughter and consumption of turkey by Christians in India during Christmas. What an irony ! Celebrating the birth anniversary of a man born in the deserts of the Middle East by putting up "snow"-covered Christmas trees in tropical India !

And the Pope, throughout the centuries has been a European. Thus, in the two thousand years of its existence, Christianity has never faced such a crisis. This crisis is not a threat just to the future of Christianity. It has the potential to undermine the western white Christian countries' political, social, and economic stranglehold over the world.

It is a fact that White colonialism and Christian evangelism are two sides of the same coin. Sword in one hand and the Bible in the other, the white nations sent out marauders into the civilised Orient to enslave, exploit and loot the nations and send the booty home to feed their impoverished populations. And to maintain their stranglehold, the clerics accompanying the marauders converted the colonised populations wholesale, and alienated them from their social, religious and cultural roots. The brain washed and mentally shackled the unconverted sections through their educational institutions, creating a cadre of pro western elite who kept the colonial wheels turning. Circumstances arising out of World War II compelled the white Christian powers to take to their heels leaving behind ruined, impoverished colonies, A large number of former colonies remained backward and impoverished due to the seeds of dissension the colonisers had sown between ethnic groups and communities. Most of these countries have a Christian majority and face anarchic conditions being headed by tin pot dictators who are sustained by the erstwhile colonial powers. Some countries like India were left dismembered. Even today, Muslim Pakistan is ruled by the American puppet General Musharraff.

The exploitation of the natural resources of these countries continues. White multinationals, with the connivance of their respective governments have replaced the colonial powers. Resources still continue to be unscrupulously exploited.

However, India with its strong and ancient Hindu ethos has recovered from the ruinous effects of colonialism. Despite being pushed to the corner by Pakistan's American and British aided belligerence, India is industrially, culturally, economically and politically way ahead of any of the erstwhile colonies. In fact, India has been recognised as a super power in the making, an economic, industrial and a military powerhouse and a potential threat to the white man's might. India's resources have always been a source of attraction for the resource-starved nations of the west. While it was India's fabulous riches that attracted the salivating starved western nations to its shores, now it is the huge Indian economy that is proving to be the magnet.

Conquering India militarily is out of the question. India is too mighty a power to be taken lightly. So the next best way is to subvert it by creating a cadre of people who are totally alienated from their native roots. People who draw their inspiration from a foreign religion. Who draw sustenance from an alien culture. People who look down upon their Indian ancestry, Indian heritage. People who despise their Hindu past.

When huge sections of the population are thus converted, national interests take a backseat. The converted population draws inspiration from their overseas mentors. This in turn, enables their handlers abroad to rule the country by proxy, exploit its assets and enrich their own countries, coffers and populations.

Huge resources are being pumped into India by the western powers to achieve this end. The Tehelka Weekly in its February 2004 issue has published a detailed investigative report about this conspiracy. The report has identified the sources from where the funds are sent, the fifth columnists working in this country, the strategy of this war like conspiracy against India.

It is shameful, but true that this international conspiracy against India is succeeding. According to The Tehelka report, around 5000 Indians are getting converted to Christianity every day. The North east of the country is almost Christianised. An Italian Roman Catholic, Antonia Maino, a.k.a Sonia Gandhi, is running the country by proxy through a weak kneed coterie of spineless Hindus , Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, are ruled by Christian Chief Ministers, a Christian has been given charge of the nation's most sensitive organisation, the RAW, over the heads of several Hindu officers much senior than him, and anti Hindu missionaries like Gladys Staines, an Australian are being awarded prestigious national awards for social work (read propagating Christianity and converting innocent tribals, the Albanian nun Theresa of Kolkotta is given a Bharat Ratna and is elevated to Sainthood.

The Pope has already proudly declared that the Christian flag was planted in Europe in the first millennium, in the Americas in the second millennium. In the present millennium India is in the international movement's cross hairs.

It is in this context that the chances of an Indian Roman Catholic succeeding the present Pope are bright. With a de facto Italian Roman Catholic prime minister calling the shots in Delhi, with Christian Chief Ministers installed in sensitive states, with SENSITIVE ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THE raw EITHER INFILTRATED WITH Christians or their quislings, with a Christian majority in the sensitive north east, it is but natural that the western Christian powers would want an Indian D'Souza or Pereira to occupy the throne of St. Peter in the Vatican. A wolf in sheep's clothing can then prey upon the Hindu flock to provide food to the starving western hyenas who otherwise will slip into oblivion in the next couple of decades.

Nazism and the Christian Heritage: Uncomfortable Parallels

by Robert Carr (Robert Carr lectures in history at Spelthorne College and is a Research supervisor in international relations at the American University in London.)

At first sight, the very idea that Nazism bears any relation to Christianity seems absurd. Yet before dismissing such an idea, we have we consider certain similarities. Certainly there were marked Christian influences on Nazism. This article will look specifically at the expression of Nazi anti-Semitism.

Christian Anti-Semitism

Nazi Germany was both a product of, and established in, Christian Europe. The Fuhrer himself was educated in the strictest of Catholic institutions-a Benedictine monastery in Bavaria. More than that, he'd been a church chorister. Without doubt, childhood experiences help to mould adulthood. Christian influences certainly remained important in Hitler's life: his favourite bed-time reading was Martin Luther.

Luther had particular advice to offer concerning those who had failed to follow Christ-the Jews. Luther urged Christian action against them, including concentrating them in certain areas, drowning Jewish individuals and even wholesale murder:

We are at fault in not avenging all this innocent blood of our Lord and the blood of the children they have shed since then (which still shines forth from their eyes and their skin). We are at fault in not slaying them.

Christian protagonists and texts have levelled spiteful accusations at Jews since the advent of Christianity. Part of the very foundations of the faith are ideas of Jewish betrayal, hard- heartedness and deicide. New Testament characters such as Judas, Herod, Saul, the Pharisees and the Jerusalem crowd (baying 'Crucify him!') have shaped, over centuries, European attitudes towards Jews. Such accusations and the demonisation of Jewry are based on the Christian idea that it has, as a faith and a civilisation, superseded Judaism. For Christians, God transferred his covenant and favour to them; rather than being the chosen people, Jews simply became stubborn unbelievers. Antagonism between the new faith and Judaism has characterised aspects of Christian history including the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the blood libel. Indeed, before Nazism even, Theodor Fritsch argued, 'Surely Christian teaching arose as a protest of the Aryan spirit against the inhumane Jew spirit.'

Out with the Old, In with the New

There is an interesting parallel in terms of both Christianity and Nazism regarding themselves as usurping Jewish culture. Christianity had to throw off the shackles of its Jewish heritage, i.e. the laws of Deuteronomy, besides dietary, Sabbath and other rituals: 'Beware of those dogs and their malpractices. Beware of those who insist on mutilation-circumcision' (Philippians 3).

Similar to Christianity, Nazism offered salvation of a sort--a new and perfect Aryan order to replace the old. Indeed the 'debased' culture the Nazis hated so virulently was much shaped by Jews, including Einstein, Freud, Marx and Mahler.

Both movements sought to end Jewish culture, albeit in different ways. How though can it be possible to regard Nazism in religious terms?

Nazism and Religion

Fundamentally, religion is a means of binding and supporting society.

The overlap of nationhood and religious practice is evident, for example in Japanese Shintoism, Judaism and the Church of England.

Nazi faith was in the same mould and, likewise, relied on indoctrination, preaching, mass gatherings, rituals and shrines.

More than advocating supposed Aryan spiritual superiority, Nazism, like Christian institutions, introduced laws and measures against Jews. All aspects of 1935's Nuremberg Laws had been previously exercised in Medieval Christendom as a way of isolating Jews in society. Interestingly, Hitler even framed Jew-hatred in religious terms: 'This was the time of the greatest spiritual upheaval I have ever gone through. I had ceased to be a weak-kneed cosmopolitan and become an anti-Semite.'

Regardless of proclamations and violence against Jewry, Hitler's regime was legitimised by various Christian churches from the start. The Vatican state was the very first to recognise Nazi Germany diplomatically. In 1933 the Deutsche Christen (the German Church) declared its support for the unity of cross and swastika. More ominously, 1941 's joint declaration of German Protestant Evangelical leaders urged that the 'severest measures against the Jews be adopted and that they be banished from German lands'.

Ultimately, the Nazi regime did pursue abominable measures against the Jews. Just as Christian mythology relied on the red-haired Judas race for vilification, so Nazism relied on its Jewish scapegoat. Anti- Semitism was the very lifeblood of Nazism. Jews were demonised and, like the devil, their treachery came in many guises. Following World War I, accusations levelled at Jewry included the 'stab in the back' and the 'November traitors' ideas; further myths saw Jews acting as international capitalists seeking unreasonable reparations and also as Bolshevik conspirators working against Germany.

For such supposed transgressions, Jews were the target of the Endlosungsprojekt (Final Solution). The Nazi regime put into motion modernised genocide. The transportation, mechanisation and practice of Jew-murder relied on the knowledge and assistance of Christian Europe--from Vichy France to the Baltic states. The phenomenal effectiveness of death pits, gas vans and extermination camps relied on Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox Christians alike. More specifically, consider Rudolf Hoess who was a committed Catholic: 'My father had taken a vow that I should be a priest, and my future profession was therefore already firmly laid down. I was educated entirely with this end in view.' interestingly, Hoess swapped the idea of the priesthood for employment as camp commandant of Auschwitz- -the centre of Jewish Slaughter.

Lower down the state hierarchy, Ernst Biberstein, as commander of SS Einsatzgruppen C, was responsible for the murder of 75,000 Jews in late 1941. Biberstein could somehow reconcile such work with his profession as a Protestant pastor and theologian. German clergy also served as Nazi Jew-hunters in their role as Sippenforscher, i.e. tracing Jewish heritage through parish records.


Without doubt it is difficult to Measure individuals' religious credentials. However, Nazism was advantaged by the Christian mind-set of Europeans which included myths of Jewish treachery and deicide. The Nazi movement exploited its apparent Christian agenda. As Julius Streicher wrote in 1936:

We have dedicated our lives to the fight against the murderers of Christ ... if we always think of Adolf Hitler then we cannot fail to receive strength and benediction from heaven.

What is certain is that both Christianity and Nazi-Aryanism defined themselves in opposition to Jewry and promoted their own 'chosen people'. The Christian text Revelation indicates that punishment by tortuous death is set aside for 'the synagogue of Satan'. Nazism almost delivered what Christianity threatened, i.e. the elimination of Judaism. Ironically, even the Nazi-led slaughter of Jews has a spiritual dimension: the term 'Holocaust' usually describes the burning of a religious sacrifice. While Nazism took inspiration and succour from Church documents and protagonists, this article indicates how Nazism can even be regarded as a racialised and deformed brand of Christianity.

MP: Christian Attacks on Hindu Temples are "unbearable"

Fiji Times Online
2005-03-29 Published by Hindu Herald
(Tuesday, March 29, 2005)

Member of Parliament Pratap Chand yesterday warned the tolerance of the Hindu faithful was being stretched too far and could cause disunity between Fiji's two major races.

Mr Chand was reacting to the break-in at a temple at Narere, Nasinu, last weekend where thieves climbed through a window and ransacked the temple.

He said the increase in the number of Hindu temple break-ins around the country showed the lack of respect for other religions in the country. "These ongoing attacks on Hindu temple are getting unbearable. What makes it worse is that the recent break-in occurred on Easter and just after the sevens victory celebrations which brought everyone together," he said.

"The Hindus tolerance level has been stretched too far and could break one day if temple break-ins continue to happen.

"This could divide the two major races even further," he said.

Mr Chand called on Christian leaders to preach respect in their respective churches so that people would stop attacking Hindu temples.

The Methodist Church of Fiji said people breaking into and destroying places of worship were sick.

Church president Reverend Jione Langi said as church president he condemned such acts.

"It is a sick society. People should respect each other's religions and places of worship. We don't condone such acts and are totally against it," he said.

"I have said it before and I am saying it again that the people doing such things are showing their state of mind. Such acts are deplorable and we don't go along with it."

Mr Langi urged those involved in such acts to stop, saying that breaking into and destroying places of worship was not a right thing.

Then India Sanmarga Ikya (TISI) Sangam president Dor Sami Naidu said the organisation was concerned because it appeared places of worship were being targeted by certain people.

"It seems to be a pattern nationwide to target temples and other places of worship of non-Christians," he said.

"We believe that it's time the police does something about it rather than taking reports only.

"We are all taxpayers and we pay the police, who should provide security to the people and investigate such cases. "I urge the authorities to take action against those responsible for breaking into and desecrating places of worship," he said.

Just last week, Vice President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi praised the Hindu community for not retaliating to such attacks.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Coercive Religious Conversion: A Crime against Humanity

by Dr. Babu Suseelan (
Professor in Clinical Psychology and the Director of Addiction Research Institute, Pennsylvania.

Religious conversion of Hindus is threatening individuals, families, communities and the nation. Coercive religious conversion of Hindus contains a threat to spiritual tradition and the freedom of choice. If carried unchecked, coercive religious conversion would threaten the very existence of India as a nation.

Armed with a rigid dogma, and millions of foreign money, missionaries are on a warpath to forcefully convert hundreds and thousands of innocent Hindus. If unchecked, coercive religious conversion will have a cataclysmic impact on our freedom.

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom.

Missionaries are trying to deconstruct Hindu society by waging a psychological war. The purpose of the war is to create personal, social and political disorganization. Their dogmatic notion of truth is inappropriate, even dangerous to a pluralistic society. Christian dogmas, by nature are non-deductible, non-negotiable and in fact non-verifiable, whereas an open exchange of ideas, a readiness to give and take, is vital to the survival of a pluralistic society.

Christian preaching tends to be a process of indoctrination in unshakable beliefs. Religion as indoctrination is suited to a totalitarian regime intent on not having people think independently. By contrast, Hinduism helps in liberating, not closing of minds of individuals. All Hindus, by their very nature, stand for and accept free expression, spiritual progression, and freedom of choice. But once converted to Christianity, the church is not eager to cultivate habits of intellectual freedom among its followers.

Missionary propaganda is deceptive and can be described as the state of mind of a salesman who habitually believes in his own propaganda and the superiority/supremacy of his 'only' product which he wants to push in the market, by hook or crook, at the cost of all existing alternatives. The church's ideological pretensions are smokescreens to destroy Hindus and the all inclusive, liberating Hindu value system.

When a church group takes a position on a political or social issue, it typically does so by claiming divine inspiration. Not only does this inhibit debate, but also it replaces rational discourse. Citing "God's Will"/ "God's Word" in a discussion is meant to silence, not convince, an opponent. Public discussion, so intrinsic to a democratic society, requires public debate. A democracy is degraded when its members, seduced by the desire to play God, get in the habit of pontificating infallible truths on subjects of public policy. Such a practice must culminate, if unchecked, either in theocracy, or in chaos.

One does not find in the Christian theology a conception of human beings as having both the right and the ability through Sadhana to control one's destiny. Concepts such as individual freedom, civil rights, human initiative, and secular programs are basically foreign to holy writ.

It is wrong to draw ideological parallels between Christianity and Hinduism. It is pointless to contrast dogmas as original sin, eternal damnation, and the absolutism of the Kingdom of God with that of the experiential reality of the Hindu Darshanaas which proclaim: "Each soul is potentially Divine", and teach the authentic way and means to discover, realize and manifest in day to day life the inherent divinity equally present in all. Hinduism and Christianity represent incompatible modes of thought and irreconcilable value systems.

Hinduism is dedicated to individual freedoms and rights. The philosophy of Hinduism and Christianity does not mix. Equating Hinduism (or, indeed, any religion of the book) would be doubly regrettable. A strict ban on religious conversion is in the best interest of all Indians because, to quote the wisdom of a common sense poet, "Good fences make good neighbors".

Evangelism is an irrational impulse, a form of tyranny over the mind. Freedom of religion is equivalent to freedom from someone's religion. Hindus have every right to expect that they will not be proselytized away from their own faith and into an all-exclusive, rigid dogma. Every citizen should be free from foreign sponsored missionary groups. An individual converting under psychological duress is loosing his very freewill and freedom of choice and conscience.

From a moral standpoint, Hindus respect all religions. But that respect is limited by our own mutual obligation to observe boundaries that have a reasonable relationship to the needs of the society and of the individuals in it. Once a person is converted by devious means, he or she is reduced to creatures of the church in which conformity to generalized mediocrity becomes the rule.

Freedom to propagate hatred, dogma and hostility must be restricted because the ideas expressed in such rigid dogma have led to murder and suffering of millions of people throughout history. Terrorism, social upheaval, community conflict, and hostility towards non-believers are caused in part by the philosophy that underlies the concept of freedom to forcefully convert non-believers. Even the capability to conceive of direct harm to others will be seriously diminished if we restrict coercive religious conversion.

Government should ban religious conversion and the free flow of foreign money for missionary activities. Ban on religious conversion will reinforce our values and identification and that protects our freedom. These are values that would be threatened if religious conversion were carried out extensively. Not everything that can be labeled "free expression" is worth protecting or immune from legal regulation for the general good. Given the gravity of the danger and destruction of missionary activities, anti-conversion alarm is sensible.

Hindus must initiate a much more wide-ranging debate about religious conversion, missionary activities and the free flow of foreign money for conversion activities. Hindus must go on the offensive and stop being baited by those who call our defense of Hindu society as communal. Hindus must stop allowing them to set the agenda for what is and what is not religious freedom.

Our survival as a nation is in crisis. But realistic solutions are within our reach, if we all work together. So I urge you, become activists on behalf our Hindus who have no one else to speak on their behalf, for yourselves, and for the nation.

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Coercive religious conversion

Coercive religious conversion of Hindus is one of the most important issues of the day. Religious conversion of Hindus is threatening individuals, families, communities and the nation. Coercive religious conversion of Hindus contains a greater threat to spiritual tradition and the freedom of choice than European colonialism ever posed. If carried unchecked, coercive religious conversion would threaten the very existence of India as a nation.

A dark future

Today as we look down the road toward the future, we see the warning
sign: "Danger Ahead". The danger is not limited to our freedom to practice our Dharma; we see threats to our progress as a democratic, pluralistic society. Christian tyrannical missionary groups are determined to destroy our society, our spiritual way of life and the nation. Armed with a rigid dogma, and millions of foreign money, missionaries are on a warpath to forcefully convert hundreds and thousands of innocent Hindus. If unchecked, coercive religious conversion will have a cataclysmic impact on our freedom.

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion, rather than supporting, it undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom. In effect, it would serve no one, neither the subject, nor the nation. As a rule, missionaries attack cultural symbols, rituals, and samskaraas of Hindus. Hindu symbols and rituals are real and powerful and they influence behavior. Symbols, rituals, festivals and religious practices have the power to unite and motivate people. These are the élan vital of a nation. Individual and society are symbiotic. When an individual is forced out of his/her role into a strange, dogmatic belief system, he/she would have to readjust to the new realities. Forced out of the system of meaningful social bonds, they would begin to lose the sense of identity and symbiotic relationship with the larger society. They would become rudderless ships adjusting to momentary pressures without a sense of direction. It is this most terrible condition, even worse than death that the missionaries impose on Hindus.

Christianity promotes their sectarian values and symbols over the interests of the society as a whole. Missionaries are trying to deconstruct Hindu society by waging a psychological war. The purpose of the war is to create personal, social and political disorganization. As the war continues, individuals, families, groups and society find it difficult to maintain proper reality orientation.

As the battle progresses, only parts of the problems are seen by the victim, and a collective cognitive disorder sets in. The social and political reality is distorted. As a result, family and community are disorganized. Individuals find it difficult to find the right concepts, ideas, words and thinking will become fragmented. The person and society lose a sense of identity and direction. A sense of cultural continuity and connection disappears almost entirely. This results in distorted thinking and dysfunctional behavior. Individuals act impulsively and blame the culture and religion that provide psychological equilibrium. They act irrationally and join with the oppressor. Eventually, they act as enemy within. Clearly, if the missionaries win finally in their psychological warfare, India as a nation is crushed.

History of repression

Let us turn to a logical examination of several key features of Christian thinking. The religion was founded and its theology elaborated under the dual influence of theocracy and imperialism. Its very conception of truth reflects political environment in which it evolved. It has crystallized orthodoxy, or a core of inalterable dogmas that its followers are expected to steadfastly profess.

Now, it is precisely, such a notion of truth is inappropriate, even dangerous to a pluralistic society. Christian dogmas, by nature are non-deductible and non-negotiable. Where as an open exchange of ideas, a readiness to give and take, is vital to the survival of a pluralistic society.

Christian preaching tends to be a process of indoctrination in unshakable beliefs. Religion as indoctrination is suited to a totalitarian regime intent on not having people think independently.
By contrast, Hinduism helps in liberating, not closing of minds.

Hindus accept free expression, spiritual progression, and freedom of choice. But once converted to Christianity, the church is not eager to cultivate habits of intellectual freedom among its followers.

Missionaries use Biblical quotations to rationalize vested interests of the Church. Very frequently such views systematically distort social reality in much the same way that a neurotic deny, deform or reinterpret aspects of life that are inconsistent to him. Missionary propaganda is deceptive and can be described as the state of mind of a salesman who habitually believes his own propaganda. The church's ideological pretensions are smokescreens to destroy Hindus and the all inclusive, liberating Hindu value system.

When a church group takes a position on a political or social issue, it typically does so by claiming divine inspiration. Not only does this inhibit debate, but also it replaces rational discourse. Citing "God's Will" in a discussion is meant to silence, not convince, an opponent.

The entire history of biblical exegesis shows that almost any personal or collective conviction can find support in divine revelation. Thus, the bible always obliges a true believer by miraculously saying whatever he or she wants it to say. When the true believer quotes "God's Word" to confirm an opinion, what he or she expresses is the wish to raise personal opinion to the level of absolute truth. Put more bluntly, the true believer pretends to speak with godlike authority as if he or she was God. Public discussion, so intrinsic to a democratic society, requires public debate. A democracy is degraded when its members, seduced by the desire to play God, get in the habit of pontificating infallible truths on subjects of public policy. Such a practice must culminate, if unchecked, either in theocracy, or in chaos.

The shackles of Christianity

It is an awkward fact that neither personal liberty nor civil rights have biblical sanction. On the contrary, scripture is at pains to tell us just the reverse: that we must submit all things to the will of a Supreme ruler against whom we have no acerbate rights. The bible is an undemocratic and anti-libertarian text. The Ten Commandments, like the parables of Jesus, say nothing about individual freedoms and rights but a great deal obedience and surrender, and "law" that all must obey. The essence of the bible is thus constraint, not freedom, oppression not liberation.

One does not find in the Christian theology a conception of human beings as having both the right and the ability through Sadhana to control one's destiny. What the bible gives us, in contrast, is a picture of human nature caught powerlessly between two factors--God and Satan--along with the caveat that no "salvation" is possible without total surrender to God's wishes. Concepts such as individual freedom, civil rights, human initiative, and secular programs are basically foreign to holy writ. The believers are docile vassals of the "Lord".

It is wrong to draw ideological parallels between Christianity and Hinduism. It is pointless to contrast dogmas as original sin, eternal damnation, and the absolutism of the Kingdom of God with that of the experiential reality of the Hindu Darshanaas which proclaim: "Each soul is potentially Divine", and teach the authentic way and means to discover, realize and manifest in day to day life the inherent divinity equally present in all.

Hinduism and Christianity represent incompatible modes of thought and irreconcilable value systems. Hinduism is dedicated to individual freedoms and rights. The philosophy of Hinduism and Christianity does not mix. Equating Hinduism (or, indeed, any religion of the book) would be doubly regrettable. A strict ban on religious conversion is in the best interest of all Indians because, to quote the wisdom of a common sense poet, "Good fences make good neighbors".

The value of Religious Freedom

Evangelism is an irrational impulse, a form of tyranny over the mind. Freedom of religion is equivalent to freedom from someone's religion. Hindus have every right to expect that they will not be proselytized away from their own faith and into an all-exclusive, rigid dogma.

Every citizen should be free from foreign sponsored missionary groups. An individual converting under psychological duress is loosing his freewill and freedom of choice and conscience. From a moral standpoint, Hindus respect all religions. But that respect is limited by our own mutual obligation to observe boundaries that have a reasonable relationship to the needs of the society and of the individuals in it. Once a person is converted by devious means, he or she is reduced to creatures of the church in which conformity to generalized mediocrity becomes the rule.

Freedom to propagate hatred, dogma and hostility must be restricted because the ideas expressed in such rigid dogma have led to murder and suffering of millions of people throughout history. The genocidal usurpation of the western hemisphere, the genocidal enslavement of Africans, Hindus, Buddhists, worldwide colonialism, holocaust against Jews and Gypsies, dropping of the atom bomb on Japan, the Vietnam war, colonialism, slavery and apartheid-these are the bitter fruits of Christian propaganda. Christianity is arguably, history's greatest crime against humanity. The solid evidence of history in the long and short term gives proof beyond a reasonable doubt, nay any doubt, that there is no greater social evil than biblical movements. Their dogmatic ideas are like small pox. It is not worth preserving it.

Time for activism

Terrorism, social upheaval, community conflict, and hostility towards non-believers are caused in part by the philosophy that underlies the concept of freedom to forcefully convert non-believers. Even the capability to conceive of direct harm to others will be seriously diminished if we restrict coercive religious conversion.

It is painfully obvious that political leaders, westernized media pundits, and the bureaucrats in India lack the requisite social and political knowledge, and philosophical skills to understand the devious activities of the church. They lack a firm national, religious, cultural commitment. They are driven to extreme and idiosyncratic decision by the lack of historical context of their judgments.

Government should ban religious conversion and the free flow of foreign money for missionary activities. Almost invariably, ban on religious conversion will drive missionaries out of business. For the politicians it is a dilemma. But life is filled with dilemmas that we can attempt to ameliorate but we cannot entirely avoid. Ban on religious conversion will reinforce our values and identification and that protects our freedom. These are values that would be threatened if religious conversion were carried out extensively.

Not everything that can be labeled "free expression" is worth protecting or immune from legal regulation for the general good. Given the gravity of the danger and destruction of missionary activities, anti-conversion alarm is sensible. We should not wait until Christianity takes over India. On the individual level as well as the genocidal level the effects of dogmatic missionary preaching justify its prohibition.

Hindus must initiate a much more wide-ranging debate about religious conversion, missionary activities and the free flow of foreign money for conversion activities. Hindus must go on the offensive and stop being baited by those who call our defense of Hindu society as communal. Hindus must stop allowing them to set the agenda for what is and what is not religious freedom.

Hindus must wage a battle against violence, intolerance, rigidity, and thought control. Hindus must put an end to the imperialistic, missionary culture, and end to religious conversion. It's time to name our real enemies. Our enemies arise in part from our silence, but also from passivity. Our survival as a nation is in crisis. But realistic solutions are within our reach, if we all work together. So I urge you, become activists on behalf our Hindus who have no one else to speak on their behalf, for yourselves, and for the nation.

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