The Conversion Agenda

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Discrimination against Hindu students in Karnataka

Author: N. Badarinath
Publication: Organiser
Date: June 13, 2004

So far, Christian misison-aries have been instrumental in conversion. Now it seems this task has been passed on to Christian heads of institutions.

The Principal of Government School of Nursing drove a Hindu student to suicide in her over-zealous act of persuasion for conversion to Christianity.

It is reported that the Principal of Government School of Nursing drove a Hindu student to suicide in her over-zealous act of persuasion for conversion to Christianity. A student of this school attempted to commit suicide, unable to bear the mental pressure exerted by the Principal on her to convert. The irate students of the school gheraoed the office of Superintendent of the K.R. Hospital, Mysore, demanding dismissal of the Principal from service.

As the superintendent of the hospital was on leave, the Principal of MMC, Mysore, tried to pacify the agitated students but to no avail. The students threatened with mass suicide if Principal Velangani of Nursing School was not dismissed immediately.

Premakumar of Bajrang Dal, and Mahadev, ex-corporator, expressed support to the agitation. Finally the Principal of the Nursing School has been asked to go on leave for two months and further action has been assured.

It is reported that Principal Velengani is a blind follower of Christianity and was discrimina-ting even in sanctioning leave to Hindu students. Further, whenever Hindu students requested her for leave, she used to retort by telling them to convert to Christianity and enjoy the benefit of more leave. The Principal is also reported to have threatened to give lower marks to students who failed to get converted to Christianity.


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