The Conversion Agenda

"Freedom to convert" is counterproductive as a generalized doctrine. It fails to come to terms with the complex interrelationships between self and society that make the concept of individual choice meaningful. Hence, religious conversion undermines, and in extremes would dissolve, that individual autonomy and human freedom.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fiji Hindus Fear Attacks From Christians As Police Posts Decrease

Saturday, September 24, 2005
Fiji Times Online

Commissioner Andrew Hughes' decision to reduce the number of police posts around the country came under attack in Parliament yesterday as the Fiji Labour Party appealed to the Government to reverse the decision.

Labour Party MP Kamlesh Arya said the Government needed to re-open police posts to protect Hindu temples from being desecrated.

In moving the motion in the Lower House yesterday, Mr Arya said the FLP was concerned about the sudden increase in incidents of Hindu temples being desecrated.

He called on the Home Affairs Minister Josefa Vosanibola to revisit Police Commissioner Andrew Hughes' decision to close police posts.

"The act of sacrilege increased in 2003 and 2004 and this is the period when closing of community police posts began," Mr Arya said. "Several community groups have appealed to Mr Hughes to reopen the community police posts but so far this has not materialised."

Mr Arya told the Lower House that since 2001, a total of 103 temples were desecrated with the highest figure of 30 recorded last year.

"There is an urgent need to address this issue and put to rest the hardening social perception that Hindus are being subjected to sacrilege by the Christian elements to induce fear and helplessness and then convert them into their fold," Mr Arya said.

He told the House it would be prudent for Mr Vosanibola to reopen the police posts so that public security could be enhanced.

He said there was a need to address the means of arresting the criminal act of sacrilege.


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